This has been a week! I am so tired and lazy feeling! Lucky for me, today is Daniel's Friday off so I've had time to actually take a shower and I'll get to relax more today. Him having every other Friday off is the most wonderful thing, truly. At this moment, he's playing his PS3, Zoe is in her Jumperoo, Max is barking at the horses on the TV and Bailey is pacing and freaking out at the gardeners in the back and front yard. Yeah. It's exciting here, folks. I'm flipping through a new cookbook (I love the photos. If there are no photos in a cookbook, I won't even look at it.) and considering making something out of it or breaking in the brand new Crockpot. What sounds good to me though, is not cooking a single thing and just relaxing. We'll see what happens. I tend to have a hard time doing nothing and I do have some Christmas decorations to finally put away. My dad gave me a hard time about it yesterday and suggested I just leave them up until next Christmas. It's still January! It's not unheard of to still have our decorations up! And really, Zoe's first Christmas was so great, I'm having a hard time letting it go. But I did get some new green and red containers to pack it all up in. I love plastic totes that look pretty while storing away my junk important holiday items.

OK, well I should get to that. Thanks for all of you who delurked - apparently it's a week long event so if you missed it yesterday, feel free to comment today. Also, thanks for your help with the photos. I ended up choosing the first one from yesterday (with the yellow bib). I preferred the third one, but thought I should try to highlight her sweet smile and big blue eyes. The last one sort of looked like she was bothered by my incessant picture taking. That might have been why I liked it so much - because she wasn't. She was all too happy to be getting camera time, just like her mama.

9. M.P
My best friend: freshman year. She was ringlet curls, overt sexuality and rebel to my Sandra Dee. I wanted to be her and I think maybe, she wanted to be me.


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