
Aimee is the creator of this awesome, funny graphic.

So, go on - delurk* ! I know I participated in this not that long ago, but I couldn't resist this graphic. Also, I've got nothing** (not even a x365) today. I'm busy trying to snap the most beautiful picture of Zoe ever taken and obsessing over your votes so far. Pretty much, no photo is sweeping all the votes (except maybe the New Years one) so I just don't know. This is where it becomes obvious how obsessive I can be and how ridiculous I am about contests. I mean, really - I'm never going to win anything so why do I bother? Answer= Nuts.

Special shout out to recent delurkers: Jennie, Jaclyn (creator of 30 Something Bloggers) and Bente! Hello, ladies! :)

Oh, and just because I couldn't resist posting a few of the ones I took today:

Zoe's crib

Flower Child

Mama's angel

* Or if you're not really a lurker, say hello!
** Honestly, I've got tons. Seems my head is swimming with things to blog about and I really just don't even know where to begin.


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