2008 is Gonna be Great

Coincidentally, that was also my theme for my 28th year of life. I kept preempting that birthday with "28's not that great" but my lovely husband (then boyfriend) put a more positive spin on it whenever I grumbled that turning 28 sucked ass. He'd very cheerily shout back at me "Twenty-eight is really great!" Gah! Turns out, he was right and each year since has just kept getting better.


2003 - Met Daniel
2004 - Engaged
2005 - Married
2006 - Zoe conceived
2007 - Zoe born

Obviously, tons more things happened but these are definitely the highlights. Makes me kind of wonder what 2008 has in store for us. I'm thinking it's actually going to be a great year.

I hope you all had a fabulous holiday. Daniel called it this afternoon on the drive home from San Diego: "Ate too much food, spent too much money, but had a good time." And all of it is true. Getting to have both sets of Zoe's grandparents with us in the new house was pretty much the most wonderful thing about the holidays. Except, maybe getting to see Zoe "open " presents and try to eat the wrapping paper. I now truly feel like we've broken this house in and it feels like home. Of course, I also said that the first time I stayed up all night getting sick. Nothing says home like writhing in pain on the bathroom floor!

Yesterday was mellow for us. Besides being New Year's Eve is was more importantly (for us anyway) Daniel's 29th birthday. Yep, that's right: his last year of his twenties. I've got to say this makes me very happy because it's sort of lonely over here in thirties ville. We watched movies, relaxed, had Chick-fil-a for lunch, played with Zoe, hung out with my Dad, ordered Chinese food to go and watched more TV. I even thought about some changes I'd like to make and some goals I'd like to try to achieve in the upcoming year. The first being this. Yep. I'm going to attempt Blog 365 for as long as it entertains me. I'm not quite sure how long that will be, but it will be interesting to find out.



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