Little Stumbles

Today is one of those days where I just want to be curled up on the sofa, reading a book, and taking care of myself. For the most part, that's exactly what I've been doing - in between naps. Maybe it's the weather or just this funk I've been in - but I'm not feeling completely like myself and that stumble I took twenty minutes ago isn't helping matters. Too often I find myself forgetting to take it easy and move slow. These sinus headaches and my vertigo must be someones way of telling me to slow down and quit trying to do so much at once. Forget the laundry that needs to be put away and the shower that needs to be cleaned. Forget the errands you thought you should do and yes, even forget trying to think of something meaningful to post to your blog. Daniel is picking up Zoe this afternoon because I'm thinking it's not such a good idea to be driving (especially with such precious cargo) and I'm going to spend the rest of this not so great day relaxing with my husband and daughter.

Happy Monday everyone... I'm already ready for the weekend.


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