I was tagged by my "real life" blogger friend, Missy with this fun questionnaire:

Name one thing you do every day:

I could make a list for this one - but my two favorites are kissing my husband and reading to my daughter.

Name 2 things you wish you could learn:

First of all, I'd like to think that if I want to learn it - I will someday. It might not be in the immediate future, but I'll learn anything I set my mind to.

1. I want to learn more computer skills... specifically web design and photo shop.

2. I want to learn how to knit... or crochet (I'm not picky) - mainly I want to be able to make cute hats and scarfs for me and Zoe.

Name 3 things that remind you of your childhood:

1. Zoe. When I look at her I see my face... and my younger self. Getting to see her react to things, explore her surroundings and test her own abilities is like reliving my childhood. 

2. Garage sales/antique stores. When I was a kid, my parents (my dad mostly) took me to garage sales and antique stores what seemed like every single weekend. I complained then, and now I am glad for it. I appreciate things with history and I have them to thank for that.

3. The San Diego Zoo and Sea world. I can't even begin to count how many times I went to those parks as a kid. Nana & Pop-pop took all their grand kids there whenever they visited... and I visited them in SD at least twice a year for ten years (after that, Nana moved in with us in Palm Desert).

Name 4 things you love to eat but rarely do:

1. Sushi. We have a fairly new place here that I just love, but I've only had it four times since Zoe was born. I said I wanted to eat as much of it as I could before I got pregnant again, and so far I'm not getting nearly enough. Much. Change. That.

2. Nachos. I'm not talking about the movie theater kind - I'm talking fresh out of the oven: melted cheese, olives, guac, sour cream, salsa and lots of jalapenos (like on every chip!). I haven't had good nachos in a long time... not exactly healthy eating.

3. Deep Dish pizza from Chicago - from Gino's East. I haven't had it in years because I haven't been to Chicago in years. When we do go, it will be on our list of places to eat.

4. Seafood. Bakersfield isn't exactly the place to go for good seafood. Having lived in San Diego for so long, I miss it.

Name 5 things/people that make you feel good:

1. My husband. I've said it all here before, but my husband is my best friend and my rock. He is my partner... my Prince Charming - he makes me believe in happily ever after and I feel like the luckiest gal in the world getting to spend my life with him.

2. Zoe. There was a time when I didn't think I'd be able to have kids. She was worth the wait and I am so grateful that she chose Daniel and I to be her parents.

3. The rest of my family and friends (extended family) - they've helped me through some rough patches and been there to share in some of the most important events in my life. I love them all.

4. Our house. I may complain about living in this town, but I'm really happy living in this house. It's our safe haven, our den, and we've truly made it our home. One of Daniel's co-workers helped us move in and he put it best: "I do not think you will ever find all of this together again." Yep. Apparently it's all downhill from here. ;)

5. My camera. I don't claim to be a great photographer, but I do enjoy getting to take pictures and be creative. It keeps me striving for more and helps me look at things differently.

OK. Now it's your turn! Consider yourself tagged. Do this questionnaire and leave a comment letting me know you did. I'm talking to you! Go on.


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