Dog Parenting

When we started telling people we were pregnant with Zoe, most people commented on how Bailey and Max wouldn't be our kids anymore. There were misunderstandings about gentleness, licking, boundaries, etc. Daniel and I watched Bailey and Max constantly and we were eager to have Zoe love them as much as we do. We may freak out if they bark too loud while she's sleeping, and we may not play fetch quite as often as Bailey would like... But they're still my kids. We refer to them as Zoe's sister and brother even if there was that short time that everyone had to learn to coexist peacefully, we've all adapted.

We just dropped my dog children off at their "Dog Hotel" so that they won't jump all over our guests and stress themselves out over all the activity in the house. I know that they will be fine, especially since they'll be sharing a run with each other and we'll be picking them up first thing Monday morning, but I miss them already. And like the first time I took Zoe to spend the day with her Cheryl, I cried just a little bit. I know, I know - I'm a wimp.

Life is better because we get to spend it as one big happy family. The house just doesn't feel the same when all my kids aren't here with us.


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