Busy Bee

Tomorrow is the first day of our first vacation as a family. Yay! There is SO much to do before we leave for San Diego tomorrow morning, so I'm going to keep this super short. I'm stressing. And let's face it, I wouldn't be me if I wasn't stressing out just a tad. But I'm really stressing. Well, not that bad - but I've been running around all day trying to entertain the monkey, straighten up around the house, do laundry, pull weeds in the front yard, etc. And to make things even better, I have a huge migraine. Hell.*

The good thing is we'll get to rest for a day in San Diego with my parents before my dad takes us to the airport Saturday morning. Daniel and I have no idea really what to expect from Zoe's first trip on a plane. We know there will undoubtedly be some stress involved and that she's going to be a handful and not that thrilled with being confined to her car seat on the plane, but we also know that getting to be back in Texas with her grandparents, aunts, uncles and great grandmothers will be well worth all the planning.

Personally, I'm excited to be back in San Antonio for Fiesta and in a new environment. I'll be taking a ton of pictures.

* The good news is I'm adjusting to my hair. While I feel slightly disappointed that it wasn't the drastic change I'd wanted, I understand why. My lady called me last night and apologized for not telling me in advance that she charges $60 and hour for color removal (she gave me a $20 discount). She also said that after years (five) of us putting almost black on my hair, it didn't surprise her that we didn't get the look I had wanted. She says it may take a couple more tries before that happens because she wants to keep my hair in the good condition that it is. I respect that. And truthfully, before she started yesterday she said she's try to get it as close to what I wanted as she could but that it would be a process not an immediate thing. I chose to hear 'We're going to get you the exact color you want." Silly me. At this point, I'm not going to start looking for a new person to do my hair. She is good at what she does and after nearly six years of going to her, I trust her. Sometimes I get annoyed that she doesn't want to dye my hair the jet black I ask for, but I also know that she's looking to make me look the best I can and I think she's done a pretty good job over the years. So, drama over. I'm content - for now.


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