Day Twenty-Four FIVE*! : Home, Sweet Home

Daniel, Zoe, Bailey, Max and I got home from visiting my parents in San Diego a couple hours ago. The bags are unpacked. Ornaments my parents gave us have been added to the tree. Daniel vacuumed the entire house. Dogs and baby fed, husband out picking up take out because we're too tired to cook. Actually, I'm too tired to blog as well. I've got Zoe sitting in her "magic seat" watching Baby Einstein's: First Signs while I try to catch up on all things computer related. My parents don't have wireless and I'm too lazy to actually sign on to things like Flickr and Twitter when we're there, (and as awesome as the iphone is; it just wasn't convenient) so I have a lot to catch up on... like all those blogs I've got listed in my links. OY!

Tomorrow promises to be busy: Zoe and I go for her 6 month check up. Keep your fingers crossed that her weight gain has continued at a good pace. I'm happy to report that she's eating like a little piggy and has the cutest little belly you've ever seen. Lets just hope the scale reflects all the chub.

* So tired yesterday that I incorrectly counted my days. ACK! The exhaustion!


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