Top Ten of 2008:

  1. March 4th - My Dad getting a clean bill of health regarding his cancer. Best news ever.

  2. April 19-27th - Taking Zoe to Texas for the first time so she could meet her aunt, great grandmothers, great aunts & uncle and see her Grammy & Grandpa. It was our 1st big family vacation!

  3. May 1st - Getting an unexpected but welcome positive from a home pregnancy test and then having it confirmed the next day with a blood test.

  4. May 25th - Seeing Zoe take her first steps - at her 1st birthday party in front of an audience of at least 20 people. What can I say, she's a performer.

  5. June 25-29th - My cousins wedding which was a mini family reunion for my side of the family. Special highlights were introducing Zoe to some of my favorite people and dancing with Daniel & Zoe at the reception.

  6. July 25th - Having a gender ultrasound and finding out we're having a son!

  7. November 4th - Voting and then later finding out who our next President will be. 

  8. December 25th - While not planned, we celebrated our first Christmas just the three of us. I'm a firm believer in "the more, the merrier" but it was nice being our little family of 3....almost 4, well, 6 if you count the dog children.

  9. This year we cooked more, ate healthier, laughed whole heartily and made time/took every opportunity to enjoy special moments as a family, a couple and as individuals.

  10. It hasn't happened yet, but December 31st - The birth of our son/my husband's 30th birthday.

It was a great year! I'm looking forward to 2009 and all it has in store for us.

What are your top 10/highlights?


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