Strange Night Time Occurances with the BPD

When Daniel and I first met sleep was less important. We were doing shows and then going out afterwards with the casts. Daniel would need to be at work early in the morning, but it didn’t stop us from staying up late at night – talking, reading, surfing the internet, watching movies, etc. We were young then.

With the arrival of Zoe, we value sleep more now than ever before. The little one takes a lot of energy out of us. So much so that it is a great accomplishment to be in bed at 9:30 pm and have our daughter sound asleep. I find myself crossing my fingers that she'll sleep three hours straight. Sunday night we got to sleep from 9:30 to 3:30 and I was overjoyed. Six hours of uninterrupted sleep! It was amazing! So amazing that we made it a point to be in bed at 9:30 last night too.

Fast forward. I hear a faint knocking. The dogs are barking a little. I nudge Daniel and tell him I hear knocking. He’s so sleepy he’s practically sleep talking – but he tells me it’s the bed. I wonder to myself why our bed would be knocking while we’re sleeping and then tell him, “No. I hear knocking. Someone is here.”

Daniel slowly gets up and tries to peak out the window as I rush into our hallway. I worry that it’s one of our friends – that maybe there is an emergency and they couldn’t call so they came to our house. I’m so sleepy, I can barely open the baby gate to get into the living room… and that’s when I hear them.

“Bakersfield Police Department.”

They’re shining a very bright flashlight through the window in our door. It’s so bright that it blinds me for a second. I’m pretty much in shock. I flashback to that one time Ashley and I had police officers shine flashlights in our faces while we sat in a car at a golf course parking lot when we were sixteen.

I’m moving in slow motion because I’m so darn tired and the BPD is still shining that darn light, knocking at our door and announcing them selves. It was like a very bad dream.

I opened the door after seeing their badge and patrol car. They asked me if everything was all right. Apparently, they had a GPS signal that something was wrong.* It led them to our address and they were worried when we didn’t answer the door right away. I explained that we’d just had a baby – we’d been in bed since 9:30. They asked us if someone could have dialed 911 by mistake and then they asked us to look at our cell phones to make sure they weren’t left open. Daniel checked and came back to say everything seemed fine. One officer seemed suspicious, but the other was very nice – said he hoped they hadn’t woken the baby. The suspicious one said that if our dogs didn’t wake her, they probably didn’t either. Nice. Our baby is used to barking dogs, not so much with the cops coming to our door in the middle of the night. But I didn’t say that, instead I thanked them for their concern.


Daniel and I stumbled back to bed quietly. Zoe didn’t stir a bit. Just before I shut my eyes I looked at my clock – 11:30. They must have thought we were crazy. Daniel in his late 20’s, me in my early 30’s… all our lights out and answering our door like we were zombies. It had felt like it was two in the morning! We're officially OLD!

Lucky for us, everything was fine. I worry a little about why they were getting a GPS signal from our address… but I didn’t lose sleep about it. In fact, Zoe didn’t wake us until 4am! She was oblivious to the primetime excitement and slept six and a half hours straight! Here’s hoping she does the same tonight and that we don’t have any visitors.

* So, when Daniel got home from work today we discussed the BPD visit. Since we were both practically sleep walking, we compared memories. Turns out, the police recieved a 911 call and GPS tracking led them to our address. Apparently it's not an exact science and the call could have been made anywhere in our vicinity, but our address was the most likely. Scary to think that someone who needed the police didn't get help while we were awakened... and I'm pretty sure they thought they were at our home for a possible domestic disturbance since they asked more than once if we were OK. It's a shame the GPS tracking doesn't work better and that they weren't able to get a name from the cell provider.


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