Photography & Chocolate Cake

Last night Daniel and I went down to the Spotlight so I could take photos of their new show Glengarry Glen Ross:

Glengarry Glen Ross Collage

(Opens at the SPOTLIGHT THEATRE in Bakersfield, California tomorrow (Feb.23) night. The show was written by David Mamet and directed by Roger Mathey.)

This will be my last "job" for Spotlight until after Zoe is born, but I will be taking photos of V-day at the Empty Space (down the street from our house) next week.

I've got to say I'm going to miss photographing the shows. I should only miss two productions, but I've really enjoyed the process and feel like I've grown as a photographer since I started doing this for them a little over a year ago. Last night I took 250 shots and when we got home, I dove right in and cut them down to 156. Choosing my favorite 13 (I don't know why I ended up with 13) wasn't easy.

I must say I'm pretty darn proud of how well they all turned out because I was slightly distracted.

1. There was a very decadent, rich looking chocolate cake not more than 10 feet away from me during the entire second act. It smelled delicious and was complete torture for a diabetic to not dive into. TORTURE! I would snap a few pics and then find myself staring at the damn thing wondering if I could just sneak one bite... and then when I was standing right over it taking photos at a different angle? Oh. My. God.

2. Zoe's busiest time of the day is between 8pm and 11pm (and then 2am and 6am, but we won't talk about that). It seemed like she was even more active last night - maybe it was because she knew that chocolate cake was in such close proximity to her mom and she wasn't getting any of it. There's no way of knowing. However, whenever I would let my camera rest on my belly (and her) she would kick it - hard. Apparently, our kid likes her space. It was kind of fun to see my big old camera bouncing on my tummy. As good as all the actors were, I found myself staring at my belly and REALLY wanting to show everyone. Luckily, I kept my mouth shut.


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