Two Out of Two....

Two out of two ultrasound techs agree that we are having a Zoe. She kept her legs outstretched and crossed nicely, but they're pretty darn sure she's a she. The detailed ultrasound showed no abnormalies. Her heart, brain, spine, abdomen, stomach, kidneys, legs and arms look perfect; so does her cute little face ( I joke that she looks like me). Her heartbeat is like a perfect little drum. I think we both smiled through the entire time.

When we got home, we made her crib with the bedding we ordered (and received Thursday). It looks very cute and happy. Tomorrow we'll probably place the furniture exactly where we want it and maybe take a few pics to share. We've got all these butterflies we need to hang on the walls and ceiling... we'll se eif we get that done too.

In the mean time, I am exhausted. We went to the 11pm showing of Big Knuckles at the Empty Space and had a great time. Figure we might as well get out and see some late night plays while we can. I also figure that maybe staying up until after 1 AM might assist me in not waking up at 4 AM. Seriously, I do not know how I used to be able to stay up until all hours of the night. I feel so old right now.


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