Someday Soon

Someday soon, I will write about my hopes for 2007. I will not post resolutions because I don't really do those, but I will probably post some goals. I'll probably do some reflecting. I might even choose some of my favorite photos from 2006, because that just sounds like fun. Eventually, (maybe even in the next few days) I will write about some of my favorite moments of 2006. Some of them were extraordinary and lush & some were sweet and simple. At some point, I'll even get around to posting those photos of me back when I was a blondie, maybe before my roots grow out.

But for now, I'm not going to do any of that. Daniel and I managed to be well for the first time in three years for New Years Eve/his birthday, only to wake up sick the next day. We're still recovering.

What I will leave you with is one of my happiest days I've ever had. September 19, 2006.

September 19, 2006

These are self-portraits I took with my cell phone camera the day we found out we were going to be parents. The one on the left was taken around 6:30 in the morning when I was too excited to go back to sleep. The one on the right is later in the day, after I had taken my third test...just to make sure I hadn't screwed something up. I may not look my best in either one, but along with my wedding pictures they are among my favorite photos taken of me.


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