Party At Zoe's Crib

Well, not really. Not yet anyway. However, Zoe's crib is built and you know, ready - aside for the bedding (which is on order). With some assistance from our friend Alison and our awesome new neighbor across the street, Daniel carried the huge box into the house and proceeded to build it. The neighbor warned that it took him 10 hours to build his baby's crib a couple months ago, but Daniel did it under two - and that was with us having some difficulty with the spring for the mattress. I (of course) snapped a few pics for us to remember all of this by. You know, because there will be a shortage of things for Daniel to build over the next few weeks, months, years.

Daniel w/ Zoe's crib

Afterwards we went to dinner at BJ's (YUM!) and we celebrated with some beers. Well, just Daniel actually... but I took in the smell of the hops with my super pregnant smelling senses. It was a good day, followed by a nice night and totally worth waking up Monday feeling horrible. I'm sick, but I'm slowly getting back to normal.

As far as building the crib so early goes, I don't like to procrastinate. We got some very generous gifts from each set of parents and Daniel's grandparents, so we put it all into a "Zoe Nursery Fund". We've ordered bedding in lavender & purple with butterflies* View Here along with a glider and a changing table that match her crib. It's a nice feeling to walk into her room and not see office clutter, but a cute little crib. We're excited to get to put her in it, you know after a month or so of her sleeping in a bassinet in our room. Sometimes this all seems so surreal to me. So exciting, but unbelievable at the same time. The crib makes it more real, along with her kicking me all the time. :)

* Totally exchangeable if Zoe turns out to be Connor. It would figure our baby would try to pull a fast one on us and trick us into thinking it's a girl. :) But no worries. I'm excited either way and I've got some "Safari" themed bedding picked out just in case. We have another ultrasound on the 19th, so we're expecting confirmation then.


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