This Year's Sofa Better Last

As discussed previously, the sectional has been gone for over a month and the new sofa and loveseat were delivered. We got a fabulous deal and good financing on this leather set.

New look

It will get scratched, but the dogs nails shouldn't poke holes in it. While it is completely chewable, the digging shouldn't be an issue. We, of course got the warranty that covers bodily fluids and punctures. Our sales person told us that if something cuts the leather for some reason, it is fairly easy to replace (the sectional was NOT easily repairable) and most likely covered under the warranty.

Last year I rallied for the red sectional because I love red (and hated the old sleeper sofa). Daniel agreed so we made changes.

Living Room

This year, Daniel rallied for the leather. He likes the look of it and was convinced that it would be more durable. I think he's right, but since I took some convincing and a little bit of time to warm to the idea of leather he knows he's in for some major teasing if this stuff gets ruined. Because I definitely got teased about my red chenile sectional.

We finally caved and got an inexpensive end table since we have the sofa/loveseat combo. I wanted something besides a tv tray to go in between for a lamp and whatnot. We're holding on to the old coffee table for a while, but that will be the next thing to go. Seriously. Three and a half years ago I spotted our coffee table leaning against a dumpster in our old apartment complex and asked Daniel and my friend Alison to load it into our Highlander. They both thought I was kidding, but I wasn't. I was channeling my dad and requested firmly that they stop the car and load it up. Afterall, we didn't have a coffee table and this one seemed perfectly fine - plus, it was FREE! After 3 and a half years I think it's time to upgrade to something more sturdy and in better condition, but we're in no rush.

What we did rush to do was switch the art in our bedroom and living room and build upon the blue in the print now hanging above our mantle. We're doing away with the red altogether and replacing red accents with blue. I figure I can't have red everywhere and it is still very prominent in our bedroom and kitchen... and hallway. Daniel is a big fan of blue. Anywho. We cleared the dozen framed photos off the mantle and decided to go for a more minimalist look. Eventually, I want to frame some of my photography and hang it on the wall above. Really, we just want to make dusting easier and I'm tired of the cluttered look. We also got a REALLY good deal on new curtains ($16 a panel at Pier One!).

New look

So yeah. It's been a little over a month with the new look and I'm loving it. I worked at Bombay Co. and then Pier One for years and I missed the decorating. Finding stuff for Zoe's room has been so much fun, and now the living room... I'm sort of missing having a decorating project! But I have other stuff to keep me busy. Have I mentioned: Tick Tock?


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