The First

Today, is the first of June. After some careful consideration of the other eleven months, I believe this has got to be my favorite month of them all.

Back in the day, I loved June because it was the month that school got out...the month that I got to claim another grade. June 1993 was the month and year my friends and I began to revel in being seniors in high school. We thought we were so cool and we were so excited to be the older kids on campus. Why, I'm not really sure. In recent years, June has become an even bigger deal.

In June 2002, I moved to Bakersfield to start over.

In June 2003, Daniel and I moved in to our first apartment together. I had lived with him in "his" apartment for a couple months prior to that, but the one on Ming Ave was truly ours. We chose it together. We bought knick knacks, wall decor, a sleeper sofa. All of our books, movies and CD's got grouped together in cohesive groupings. We decided together (after some deliberation) how every room would be set up.

It's strange. Even though Daniel and I have gone through so much together in the past three and a half years, in some ways it's seems like time has moved so fast. It is almost surreal to me that a year ago I was running around San Antonio with my mom and Donna (Daniel's mom) getting ready for the wedding. June 4, 2005: my favorite June event ever. Our honeymoon in Portland and Ashland, Oregon comes in second place...but first place in the vacation category.

June will bring some exciting things for us this year.

Today, we have a doctor appointment that hopefully will get certain things on track.

Tomorrow, we leave for our anniversary trip to Ashland. Sunday is the big day, but the entire extended weekend will be filled with a total of three plays, good food, walking, gorgeous views, lots of photography (with our new Canon Digital Rebel!) and relaxation. We've had this weekend planned for six months and we're both really looking forward to getting away. Don't expect posts from me until Tuesday...except for maybe some photo updates on flickr. I plan on being offline all weekend.

The rest of June: Looking into getting a new place? Max's first birthday. Father's Day. Alison's birthday (the last year of her twenties!). Seeing Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat in San Diego. I love June.

Hey...Does one year of marriage mean we're no longer newlyweds?


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