In Sickness

Last Monday night, we loaded up the family and went to Urgent Care. I wasn't feeling right and knew it would only get worse if I didn't get any meds in my system as soon as possible. Finn was being especially cranky, not eating as much and coughing. We were seen fairly quickly. The doctor said I had a bacterial infection and prescribed antibiotics. Finn was sick, but not that bad off, so we'd wait to give him any meds - just continue monitoring him. I thought we were on the road to recovery.

Monday night I started running a fever. I felt even worse the next day and by Wednesday, I was trying to get a hold of my doctor's office to get in as soon as they'd take me. They made room and saw me just before 10am, I was in x-rays ten minutes later. Turned out, I had pneumonia.

Four days later, I'm still as sick as I was that morning. I'm taking strong antibiotics, doing breathing treatments 4 times a day, and I keep my rescue inhaler close at hand. Daniel had to take the entire week off to help take care of me and the kids. I can barely get up to walk across the room, let alone chase two toddlers. My parents got here last night and are watching the kids so I can keep resting and Daniel can try to catch up on some work. They'll stay thru tomorrow evening and when they leave, they'll be leaving behind food for us to just heat up and eat. Cheryl is going to take both kids from us Tuesday-Friday while Daniel is at work, and we're going to hope for the best.

Thankfully, we are getting the help we need.

The hardest part about all of this is stopping myself from doing things around the house. I want to rush to the kids when they need me. I want to clean the kitchen and pick up all the toys. I need to do laundry. I feel bad that my husband is doing everything. I'm anxious to be back to myself so I can start contributing again.

As of now, we're waiting for some test results that we will hopefully get tomorrow. My doc thinks this started with something else. We're checking for Valley Fever, which seems to be the most likely culprit. Friday, they did a CT scan of my lungs to "search for other pathogens" and they did a full blood panel. Monday, my Dad will take me to get tested for TB.

I'm ready to be well again. I'm tired of this.


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