
Showing posts from June, 2008


Six years ago yesterday I drove into Bakersfield with all of my belongings shoved into my Honda CR-V. I had decided on a whim, really, that I was going to start over here while living with my best friend from high school and a friend of hers. Coincidentally, (or maybe not) that day also happened to be the day that would have been my sixth wedding anniversary if I'd not gotten up the nerve to leave six months prior. Ooh, see the repeating sixes?* Freaky! ANYWAY! Oddly enough, six months later (See! SEE?) I met Daniel and fell truly, madly, deeply in love. In a little less than six months, we will have been a couple for six years. If I had t choose anywhere in the world to live, Bakersfield would not be at the top of my list, but over the last six years this city has become a home to me and my family. When I drove into this city and unloaded my car, I was lost and scared and really didn't have much direction. I became who I am here. I met my partner, regained my self confidence, ...

Happy Father's Day!

This Father's Day was about celebrating our decision to become parents together, about what an amazing Daddy my husband is and about how we are better parents to Zoe (and the dog children) because we have each other as partners. Truth is, I am a good mother because I have Daniel to back me up and take the lead when I need him to. Happy Father's Day, love. We're all ("Dos" too) so lucky to have you. P.S I'm not neglecting Max, he was just being camera shy today. Also, Click on one of the collages to see all of the photos I took today.

Another Observation

A friend commented that every pregnancy is different. And she's right. There are parts of this pregnancy (or at least my first trimester) that are easier because I know what to expect and there are other parts that are harder because... they just are. What I'm not sure I made clear is that I really do love being pregnant. But you can love something and acknowledge that it's not always the easiest thing in the world. What I love most about being pregnant is bringing a child into this world. My life was good before I was Zoe's mom, but the quality of my enjoyment and appreciation for life has increased exponentially with every day I spend with my daughter. It's not always easy (my pregnancy/being a mom), but I knew after a week with Zoe (actually, before she was even born) that I wanted to do this all over again at least once (maybe even two or three more times). There is no pregnancy symptom or effect that can take that away from me. In fact, the thing that gets me t...

An Observation

The other night while I was feeling particularly crappy and tired and sick and nauseated I looked at my husband and said something similar to this: You know, I forgot how hard it is to be pregnant. I mean, I remember the first trimester with Zoe saying "This is hard! People don't really tell you how hard it is!". But for reals now. You go and have your first baby and you relish that experience of being pregnant and sharing your body with your offspring, and then you get to enjoy this little version of you and your partner out in the real world. Occasionally, you find yourself feeling those phantom kicks you were so used to feeling regularly during the third trimester. Your hand naturally finds it way to your belly, (as does your partners) remembering how it felt to have a baby in there. And your child amazes you so and brings so much joy and love into your life that you imagine how lovely it would be to have more. You miss being pregnant. You want your child to have sibli...

Our Little Movie Star

Daniel danced with Zoe last night (as we celebrated our 3rd wedding anniversary) : See more Zoe videos HERE . Go on, watch them. If you like kids even a little bit, they might make you smile.


Three years ago I was in San Antonio, Texas with my then fiance and our friends and family. I was getting my nails done with my pal Mel while my soon to be father in law was giving my other bridesmaids a tour of the Alamo. I was not nervous to be making this huge commitment to Daniel because I knew we were supposed to be exactly where we were, but I was stressing about the small details. The rest of that day is actually a blur to me. I know we all drove out for the rehearsal. I remember going to eat afterwards and spending the evening crawling around under tables with Ariel (our friend's Lee (who married us) and Brooke's daughter). I remember Matt and Evan playing with Star Wars figures at our table, making them sit on water glasses, etc. I remember wishing we'd had someone taking pictures of that dinner. Afterwards, we drove back downtown and spent the evening wading through crowds in the King Williams District for First Friday. We sat at Madhatter's drinking Shiner an...