I'm Baack....

After 23 days away from blogging. Do I feel refreshed? Nah. Not really. But I did miss the blogging, so here I am.

What drove me away? A few things.

I was super tired. Being pregnant wears you out and I just wasn't in the mood to share stuff about me anymore.

We had a family emergency the morning I posted my hiatus blog. That was actually my main catalyst for taking a break. Blogging seemed meaningless compared to what we were dealing with – and I had (and still don’t) no intentions of sharing details of our emergency. Instead, I got into emergency mode. I ran around like a maniac trying to make travel arrangements to Texas, clean the house and pack. We had an OB/GYN appointment the following morning and were on a plane to San Antonio by 1pm. The circumstances for being in Texas were horrible, but it was great to be with Daniel’s side of the family after so long.

It was great until I got a bad case of the stomach flu or food poisoning and Daniel rushed me to the ER in Houston. I couldn't even keep down water and since Zoe wasn't getting any nutrition from me, she wasn't moving - at all. My wild, future karate star was not stirring a bit and that freaked me out. I can handle me being sick, but the worry I felt for her was unbearable. So to the ER we went. They got me into triage fast and soon I was in a wheelchair being escorted to labor and delivery. Nurses set me up to a fetal monitor and Zoe was fine. Strong, normal heartbeat and little flutters of movement. I was relieved. I was wheeled back down to the waiting room with 50 plus people who also needed a doctor. It was miserable and my back was killing me. I knew that what I really needed was to just wait the sickness out and get a lot of rest, so I told Daniel and his mom and uncle that I wanted to leave. There were people worse off than me who had been waiting since 9am to see a doc and it was already two in the afternoon. So we left and I convalesced for three days until we flew home to Bakersfield. I’ve never been so glad to be back home before.

We've been home for twelve days and it feels like it's only been a week. I'm feeling better. Well, as good as can be expected at almost 32 weeks (on Friday). I’ve got a lot of muscle aches and back pain. I've had two prenatal massages in the past 12 days and for the first time ever, went to a chiropractor and got "adjusted". I was freaked out to do this, but have read up on it being helpful in labor and delivery. Hey. Whatever helps. I go back tomorrow for another adjustment. I just found out this is all covered through our insurance so I can get adjusted and have a half hour massage for $25 at a chiropractors office instead of $65 plus tip at a salon. Yay Blue Cross.

My parents were in town last Wednesday through Sunday and it was great to have them here. They brought their parrot and their cow dog, Buffy. Seriously, she sort of looks like a cow! I mean that very affectionately. I mean, I think Bailey looks like a crazed wombat:


and Max looks like a chunky monkey:

dog children

It was a full house: our two dogs, their parrot, their cow, them, Daniel and one round pregnant lady - sharing our little house with one bathroom. My parents kept me moving every day they were here. We went to quite a few antique stores, walked around town, ate out every single meal and looked at baby stuff. We spent our evenings in watching season one of Arrested Development (they had never seen it) and relaxing. My dad did a few VERY helpful things around the house like putting up a new smoke detector in our kitchen and replacing our crappy showerhead. When he comes back, he’s fixing our fence in the backyard and putting up a canopy. My dad is awesome.

I'm still recovering from my lack of naps.

And really, that's it. Well, that's not really it... but it's all I'm going to share for now. I'll be back with more riveting news soon... promise.


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