
Showing posts from August, 2008

Because Sometimes We Need To Be Anonymous

This weekend, I've opened up my blog for an anonymous posting as part of HBM's Bitchin Bitchfest . I was drawn to this event because every once in a while we just need to rant/vent, but our own blogs aren't always a good place for it if we want to avoid upsetting family members and friends. I hope that the blogger I'm hosting feels better after writing this and that things work out for her and her daughter. Mothers, Love Your Daughters She was always the most responsible kid in the group. Trusted to be the “team babysitter” for the little brothers and sisters of her brothers baseball team mates. Always teachers pet, getting honor roll and straight A's. Until she turned 14. At 14 my little girl went into her room one night, and I have never seen her again. I was a statistic of the 80's, I found out I was pregnant the day before my 18th birthday and told all my friends and family at my party at Chuck E Cheese, the year was 1986. I was young and stupid and lo...


Today I had to call our medical insurance company because apparently, they weren't going to pay for a claim of mine until they verified that I did not have any other insurance - either primary or secondary. What? I've been covered through Daniel's insurance for almost five years and at least once/usually twice a year I have to go through this. When I asked the representative why they have to ask me this so frequently she told me that I'm covered through my spouse... and that my status could very easily change so they like to check AT LEAST twice a year, sometimes more. What? So, basically our insurance company has no faith in my marriage status. Nice. Thanks a lot for that vote of confidence big insurance company! Since the rep "had me on the line" she went ahead and verified Zoe's status as well. "Does Zoe have any other insurance yet, primary or secondary?" "No. She's fifteen months old, she hasn't gotten around to getting any othe...

What We're Getting Into

I think one of the most common things Daniel and I hear when people - mostly strangers - find out that we have another child on the way is "Wow! You're going to be busy!" This response usually makes us laugh and sometimes has us being kind of snarky talking about it after the fact. It's not that we blame people for saying it, but it's kind of up there on the annoying scale with "Wow! You sure are in for a lot of changes now that you're pregnant/having a baby!" Really? We sort of thought the hardest part was just getting pregnant and that having kids would be like a life long vacation that is without any obstacles and actually makes us money. Yawn. We know people mean well when they laugh at how we will never sleep again and how we'll be changing two kids diapers indefinitely. We know it's hard to resist pointing out that it was practically yesterday when I was pregnant with Zoe. Ahem. The thing is, and you're going to be shocked by our a...

My Plan

My ob/gyn and I have had a running joke since I was pregnant with Zoe. It would seem that I have found the "plan" that works best for me in my battle with losing weight: getting pregnant. Last month we touched on this again because as of that visit I had not gained a single pound for this pregnancy. In fact, since January of this year I've actually lost 40 pounds and for the most part I think it is directly from being pregnant and especially from being diagnosed with gestational diabetes. Now don't get me wrong, I am not suggesting that if you want to lose weight you should go get pregnant - although I have joked that all I need to do is get pregnant about three more times and I'll be looking HAWT. I'm also not suggesting that being diagnosed with diabetes - gestational or otherwise is not something to take very, very seriously because it is. Actually, my diabetes and my concern for how it will affect me and my children has been a catalyst for my weight loss a...

Family Budget Cuts

After sitting down this morning to do our biweekly budget, Daniel and I have bit the bullet and have made some promises to each other regarding our finances. We're doing fine, but we've been especially tight this summer. Between a recent wedding/family reunion and all the costs that went with that, gas costs, and unexpected high utility bills we're squeaking by without putting anything into savings. Honestly, we'd been doing so well on our $10/day budget and trying to use less energy around the house that I truly thought this pay period would be less tight. But, SURPRISE! A almost $500 PG&E bill surfaced today along with a big shot of reality that we have debts that just need to be paid off so that we can be less stressed biweekly and so we can get the things we need to be ready for our son. In addition to further committing to spend less, I sent out a couple emails to some friends and family explaining our situation a little and what we're doing about it. Here...


With Zoe it was frozen yogurt, drumsticks - of the ice cream variety, Cocoa Pebbles/Krispies and spicy foods in general. In the third trimester, once I started injecting insulin at night - I think I had a chocolate chip cookie everyday just before bed... and it never hurt my numbers. I never sent Daniel on wild goose chases for crazy cravings because I just didn't really have them, although I do admit I did have strong urgings that we eat at specific places. Really, I played the "we can't eat Chinese food because the baby doesn't like it" card whenever needed. With Finn, everything is different. I've had the occasional frozen yogurt, but it's lost it's magic. There's been no drumsticks, I've yet to have a warmed up cookie with a glass of milk and spicy food inevitably gives me painful heartburn. The Cocoa Pebbles I eat almost daily, but lately I've been wanting to do something slightly unorthodox with this sweet cereal. I have an almost unc...

A New Day

I just wanted to take a moment and thank you for being so nice. Your comments and emails in response to my last post were very touching and made me a little bit teary. To have that support really means a lot to me. As far as how I'm doing now... I'm great. I was on my way to being over my rough patch when I sat down and wrote what I did the other day and I think spilling my words onto the computer only helped in that process. I think what most of you said is absolutely correct: right now is an understandably stressful time in my life. Being a mom to a toddler is unpredictable and exhausting... and wonderful. Add being seventeen/almost eighteen weeks pregnant to that and you've got a plethora of hormones making you, well ME - an emotional mess. I can sort of laugh about all the crying I did for a while there because at the beginning of this pregnancy I could not cry - I mean, not that I wanted to… but I couldn't cry. It was weird! For those of you who know me personally ...