
So, I've been flaking on the whole blog thing. A part of me has really been missing it and then there's that part of me who just wants to focus on Zoe and feeling better (thank goodness for officially being in my 2nd trimester!) and is glad that I don't have that blog everyday commitment that I put on myself.

And my growing family has been busy. We went to a wedding/family reunion a couple weeks ago in the Truckee Donner/Reno area. We've been chasing Zoe around the house (she went from walking to running in weeks) and baby proofing everything. We've been cooking more at home and trying to stay out of the heat as much as possible. And well, hmmm. I guess that's it, but it feels like so much more.

Tomorrow I go in for my 3 hour glucose test. My 1 hour came back with very high numbers so chances are I've got gestational diabetes again (which is no surprise). I'm somewhat calmer about it all this time because I know I can manage this and have prepared myself mentally for it. Part of me wishes I could just skip the 3 hour test and just say I have it. Treatment seems much easier and less painless than having blood drawn on an empty stomach 4 times in 3 hours. Ugh. But Dos is worth it. Worth every single blood test and beyond.

So, "Dos" is what we're calling this one for the time being. Not as catchy as Zocon, but it does the trick. When we combined the names we've chosen for "Dos" they just didn't sound as cool as Zocon did. We'll be finding out Dos' gender on July 28th and then we'll start using the name we've chosen. Hint: Both names start with "F" and actually have the same meaning.

What else? There's more. So much to share about Zoe and how I've been feeling about bringing another child into this world. I'm so excited, but I've also been very anxious about how Zoe will feel having a sibling. In my weak moments I freak out that she's going to hate me and the new baby and then I see how much she loves other kids and how interested she is in babies. I know that everything will work out and can't help but think that Dos is coming exactly when they were meant to arrive.

More to come. I promise.


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