
This time last week, I was making a formal announcement to our friends, family and acquaintances on Facebook. You know, because it's real once you publish it as your status - which is kind of funny considering there was a time when it wasn't "real" until after I'd published a blog about it. My how times have changed....

In any case, our big announcement was a long time coming: We're leaving California (Bakersfield, specifically) and heading east - to Houston, TX.

And when I say "long time coming", I mean it. For years we've tossed the idea back and forth. Texas friends and family wanted to know if we'd ever relocate (Daniel is from Texas, went to UT, and we got married in San Antonio) and we always said, "Maybe someday." We put it off for as long as we could. On quite a few occasions, people came to Daniel asking him about various locations/positions and his answer was "Not yet." First, I was pregnant, and then we had a new baby, and then I was pregnant again, then we bought a house and we got comfortable here, etc. There was a point last summer where I just wanted to get the hell out of Dodge and I didn't care where we went. I was game for China and Kazakhstan - ANYWHERE. Then things settled down and around Christmas we started talking about staying here in Bakersfield indefinitely... but Daniel was advised that the best thing for his career was to take an assignment elsewhere. In the end, Houston was the best option for us, so Daniel put his name in the hat for a position that interested him and promised to give him some new experience.

About a month ago, we started telling a few friends that a move was likely, but Daniel really wanted us to keep quiet about it until he had a written offer in hand. He didn't want us to tell people and then have our plans fall through. I, on the other hand, was chomping at the bit to tell everyone. It's my coping mechanism: tell everyone, talk it up, and then maybe by the time it's really official, it won't make you cry at the mention of moving away.

From what I can tell, that worked for me. A few select people knew more than others - it helped to have them as a sounding board for my fears and excitement. Of course, I'm incredibly emotional and if I'm not careful, the waterworks can start with little to no prompting, but I think by the time we leave in July, I might only cry for the first 4 hours of our drive.

So, there it is: a blog post about our imminent move. Daniel starts his new job on August 1st, so we'll be leaving here mid-July. Since this is a new chapter in our lives and promises to be full of more changes than just our zip code, I've decided to record it all here on the old blog. It's been my sounding board for so many other big life "chapters", I figured it was time to dust it off and write again.


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