Happy New Year!

There were parts of last year that were rough. If you know us well, you know what I am talking about, so I’m not going to do a recap. Been there, lived through all that. Moving on.

There were also plenty of joys. The births in our family and chosen family and pregnancies announced. Weddings, engagements and anniversaries. Taco nights at our house. Hat parades. Dance parties. Baking/Cooking with the kids. Buying our home. Finding purpose by becoming involved with my favorite non-profit theatre. Time behind my camera, working on my craft.

So what will this year hold for me and mine? I’m not sure. But I’m feeling optimistic and hopeful of what lies ahead. I’m not really a resolution person normally, but I do have a wish/goal list:

1. Eating healthy and continuing with my work to be a healthier person. Cutting out red meat and pork helped me a great deal last year. 2011 is the year I will see more dramatic changes.

2. Cooking at home even more and having people over more. Movie and game nights. Potlucks. Hat parades. Dance parties. Etc. My family is blessed with great friends - we want to see them more. It is good for us.

3. We will donate more of our time and resources to our community to make it a better place.

4. I want to keep working on my photography and gain more confidence to go after what I want.

5. Reading and writing more.

6. Getting back on stage. Helping to produce great theatre however I can.

7. More date nights with Daniel.

8. Being easier on myself. I am my worst critic - I need to change that.

9. Working on our home - replacing this 14 year old carpet, having a painting party, etc.

10. And lastly (for now) 2011 will be the end of diaper changes. I might be most excited for that.


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